191040, Saint-Petersburg, Marata str., b.40
Vladimirskaya Dostoevskaya Mayakovskaya
Uprising Square Ligovsky Avenue Zvenigorodskaya
191040, Saint-Petersburg, Marata str., b.40

Services for free

At Guest request the Hotel provides the following services for free:
  • Calling ambulance and other special services;
  • Personal computer with Internet access with an opportunity to print A4 documents;
  • Calling taxi;
  • First-aid kit;
  • Bringing correspondence addressed to a Guest to a Room;
  • Waking-up at fixed time;
  • Provision of boiled water, needles, threads, 1 kit of dishes and cutlery;
  • Provision of ironing devices for using in a room;
  • A baby bed;
  • A baby chair for feeding in a cafe.
You can contact us at your convenience!
Write or call

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Classification system

for tourism industry objects